God has given special names about himself that describe what kind of God he is. Every one of them has great and wonderful comfort and consolation. They should draw us closer to him as He describes himself, his love and affection for us. The purpose of these names are to focus attention on some aspect or another of the being of God and the character of God. He These help us understand attributes about him. The name always stands for character, qualities and abilities. “I will declare my name unto the heavens” (Ps. 22:22.). To have a good name means to have a good reputation. Our Lord revealed these characteristics of God. He had been teaching his followers how to think of God, and how to know Him. Jesus said, “I have manifested your name unto the men you have given me” (Jn. 17:6) and again “I have declared unto them your name” (Jn. 17:26). God has revealed Himself in the person of His Son “I and the Father are one” (Jn. 10:30). “He that has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14). To declare the name of God is to tell the truth about God. James, the half brother of Jesus, said, “You believe there is one God…) (James 2:19). In the Bible a name described or characterized the persons temperament or personality. (ex. “Esau” = hairy; “Jacob” = supplanter; “Abraham” = Father of many people.)
1. EL. The first name is “El” This means first and supreme. It carries the idea of strength and power- mightiness. (Ex. 34:5-7). – Moses’ response was worship. It is used in both the singular and plural, both for other gods and for the God of Israel. When the name El is at the beginning or end of a word it has reference to God i.e. Daniel – “My Judge is God” El ‘ Elyon (“Most High God”), El Shaddai (“God Almighty”), El `Olam (“Everlasting God”), El Hai (“Living God”), El Ro’i (“God of Seeing”), El Elohe Israel (“God, the God of Israel”), El Gibbor (“God of Strength”). Gabriel (“Strength of God”), Michael (“He Who is Like God”), Raphael (“God’s medicine”).
2. ELOHIM – The strong One” (“The God of power”). God (a plural noun, more than two, used with singular verbs); Elohim occurs 2,570 times in the OT, 32 times in Gen. 1. He is the strong One we can trust. Nothing is impossible with Him. He fights our battles. He is able. We live our lives in His strength. It carries the idea of someone who is feared as well as someone who is powerful. It occurs 2570 times in the O.T. Daniel and Jonah use Elohim almost exclusivly.
He is our Creator and the Creator of everything “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen.1:1).
He is our strength, our stronghold and protector. “The God of my strength, in whom I will trust, My shield and horn of My salvation, My stronghold and my refuge; My Saviour, You save me from violence” (2 Samuel 22:33; Ps.43:2).
He gives us the heart (strength ) to go on “My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (PS. 73:26). created the universe, the earth, etc.
3. EL SHADDI – God Almighty or “God All Sufficient.” 48 times in the OT, 31 times in Job. Shaddai was translated with words meaning “Almighty”. The root word “shadad” means “to overpower” or “to destroy”. This would give Shaddai the meaning of “destroyer” as one of the aspects of God. He possesses all power in heaven and earth. He is the Strong One Who is All Sufficient first used in (Genesis17:1). “May God Almighty (El Shaddai) bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers…” (Gen. 28:3). “I am God Almighty (El Shaddai): be fruitful and increase in number” (Gen. 35:11). “By the Almighty (El Shaddai) who will bless you with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts (shadayim) and of the womb (racham)” (Gen. 49:25). He controls everything it is all under His control. He has power over the winds, the sea, the snow the rain, over all the elements. (Mark 4:35-41). He feeds us and cares for all mankind. “Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness” (Acts 14:17). He is wonderful provider of salvation and the needs for those who put their trust in Him. He tells the believer to “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jer. 33:3).”Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” (Ps. 50:15). “For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened” (Matt. 7:8). God Almighty wants us to communicate with him. “If any man lacks wisdom let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). He is sufficent to supply strength for the inner man, just ask, “that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.” (Eph.3:16).
3. ELYON – the high and exalted One (Gen.14:18). 3. Elyon – The modern Hebrew adjective “`Elyon” means “supreme” (as in “Supreme Court”) or “Most High”. El Elyon means “God Most High” the high and exalted One (Gen.14:18). Pantheism was most popular in the days of Abraham so God made it clear that he was the One all so called god’s “(Demonism). He is majestic, and supreme above everything. In Is. 14:13-14, Satan wanted to be like the “most High.” He tempted Eve telling her she would be “like God if she ate the fruit” (Gen. 3). The Eastern religions and New Age tell people they are like God, this is a present day that can be traced back to his temptation of Eve (Gen. 3). Some people have delusions of self granduer and think they are God Pharoah and many others made this claim. The Mormons believe “Adam was our god and the only god with whom we have to do.” There is only one God , New Age Movement).
5. EL Olam – “The Strong One Who lives Forever” (“Everlasting God”) – Genesis 21:33 . “The eternal God is your refuge, And underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before you, And will say, ‘Destroy”. Deut. 33:27). He is ever present with us (Mt. 28:20).
5. EL Roi – “The Strong One Who Sees me” (Gen.16:13).
His eye is on the sparrow (Mt. 10:29-31; Ps. 33:18; 34:15.). He sees everything and knows everything. He looks with favour upon the righteous and guides them (Ps. 32:8). He watches over us.
C. YAHWEH (JEHOVAH) – “I am that I am- the Self Existent One”
Yahweh, JHWH is the covenant name of God. (Ex. 6:3) It is all capitals in our Bible “LORD” It occurs 6823 times in the OT First use Gen. 2:4 (Jehovah Elohim). From the verb “to be”, havah, similar to chavah (to live), “The Self-Existent One,” “I AM WHO I AM” or ‘I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE” as revealed to Moses at the burning bush, (Ex.3:14). The name of God, too sacred to be uttered, abbreviated ( . . . . ) or written “YHWH.” The tetragrammaton YHWH originally did not have vowels (like the entire O.T.) until the Masoretes added the vowels (about 1,008 A.D.). The tetragrammaton. Josh., Judges, Sam., and Kings use Jehovah almost exclusively. The love of God is conditioned upon His moral and spiritual attributes. (Dan. 9:14; Ps. 11:7; Lev. 19:2; Hab. 1:12).
The Shema (6:4-) known to Jews as the Sh’ma uses both Jehovah and Elohim to indicate one God with a plurality of persons. This name is translated “Jehovah”. It is the best name of all. It is the covenant name of God, with Adam, Noah, His own Son. He promises, He covenants. The Almighty binds Himself to creatures. That is amazing. It means God describes himself as “I am who I Am” or “I shall be what I shall be”. It describes his unchangableness. He is not abstract, unknowable or a nameless force. He never changes and is dependable faithful, dependable and trustworthy. He is the self-existent one. He never the less reveals Himself. Used only of the true God. It is used not only to describe Him but to address Him. “Men began to call upon the name of the Lord” (Gen. 4:6; 12:8). The Jews believed this name to be so holy that they never would utter it.
The pagans never referred to their gods by this name. The name “Yahweh” is the personal name of God ( Ps. 83:18; Is. 26:4) and is the most frequently used name. It is to be spoken and treated respectfully (Ex. 20:7). Psalm 20:7-9 speaks of boasting in the name of the Lord. It occurs 5321 times in the O.T. This name is used only of the true God. The pagans never referred to their gods by this name. The term signifies existence/ that which is real (as opposed to idols).
“Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel, And his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: ‘I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God” (Isa. 44:6).
The Jews wanted to stone Jesus because they believed he was committing blasphemy by claiming the name “I AM” (Jn. 8:58-59). Jesus used the name “I am” seven times in John’s gospel.
God’s is faithful, He keeps His Word, it is higher than His name (Heb. 6:13; Ps. 138:2)
Our God is faithful! (He is always there)
1. Jehovah Jireh – “The Lord will Provide.” Gen. 22:14. From “jireh” (“to see” or “to provide,” or to “foresee” as a prophet.) God always provides all we need. His grace is sufficient for us. We lack nothing that we need in life and spiritual provision. This is then name God gave to Abraham when he was about to offer his son Isaac “The Lord will provide “ (Gen. 22:14 c.f. vs 8). This was a test of faith for Abraham (Heb. 11:17-19). He became known as the ”father of faith” (Rom. 4:11-16). He provided a sacrifice- a ram- was found in the thicket. It was a type of Christ. God provided for us His lamb – the Lord Jesus. Jesus is called “The Lamb of God” – Jn. 1:29. Jesus is the Lamb provided by the Father (1 Pet. 1:19, 20). God provided our salvation in giving His Son to die for us (Jn. 3:16).
Child Sacrifice was later condemned in the Law (Dt.12:31; 18:10; Lev.18:21). The pagans used sacrifice of children to “atone ” for their souls (Mic. 6:7), to “satisfy” their gods (2 Kings 3:26-27; Jer. 7:31). Abraham by faith believed that God would provide for Himself a lamb.
2. Jehovah Rophe (Rapha). – “The Lord Who Heals” (Ex. 15:22-26). From “rophe” (“to heal”); implies spiritual, emotional as well as physical healing. (Jer. 30:17, 3:22; Isa. 61:1). God heals body, soul and spirit. God said to the people after He had sweetened the bitter waters of Marah for them “I am the Lord that heals you” (Ex.15:26). David gave witness to the God who heals Ps. 103:2-3 – “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all thy diseases.”
Healing in the atonement is not a scriptural teaching “By His stripes we are healed” is not physical but spiritual healing (1 Pet. 2:24- Is.53:5). Jesus bore men’s sicknesses before going to the cross. (Mt.8:17; Is.53:4)
God heals today through prayer the oil is only a symbol not the healer (James 5:15)
3. Jehovah Nissi – “The Lord our banner (sign or standard, a rallying point)” (Ex. 17:15). It was a place of hope. God is the One we should rally round in the battle, we should lift him up, not a flag. “He will lift up a banner to the nations from afar, And will whistle to them from the end of the earth; Surely they will come with speed , swiftly” (Isa. 5:26). “There are many who say, “Who will show us any good?” Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us” (Ps. 4:6).
Our victory banner is Him. Not as some think today of running around the church building waving flags. Some foolish people even believer Go has given them a gift of “flag waving”. The banner served as a point of focus or an object of hope.
Jesus said, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (Jn. 3:14-15). He is our hope our rallying point.
4. Jehovah m’kaddesh (Qadash) – “The Lord who sanctifies, sets apart, makes whole” Lev. 20:7-8
God sets us apart just like He did to Israel. God set apart Jeremiah and other prophets ; we are set apart by the Holy Spirit (Ro. 15:16; I Pet. 1:2); in Christ (1 Cor. 1:2, Heb. 2:11, 10:10), because of our faith (Acts 26:18).
5. Jehovah Shalom – “The Lord our Peace” The name God uses in (Jud. 6:23-24). “Shalom” translated “peace” 170 times means “whole,” “finished,” “fulfilled,” “perfected.” Related to “well,” welfare.” It is spiritual and physical welfare. Judges 6:23-24. The Lord sends peace, He is the God of peace. It was “the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep (Heb. 13:20). Shalom means that kind of peace that results from being a whole person in right relationship to God and to one’s fellow man. The name Solomon means “His peace”. He is the God of peace. Shalom can also mean “hello” and “goodbye.”
Peace has come to us through our Lord Jesus Christ. “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Rom.5:1).
6. Jehovah Tsidkenu – “The Lord our Righteousness” Jer. 23:5-6; Is. 45:23- 24; Jer. 23:5-6; 33:16; Ez.48:35. From “tsidek” (straight, stiff, balanced – as on scales – full weight, justice, right, righteous, declared innocent.)
All our righteousness (good works) are filthy (menstrual) rags” (Isa. 64:6). We cannot be saved by our righteousness or “good works” (Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). We put on the righteousness of Christ when we are saved ( 1 Cor. 1:30; Ro. 3:21-26; 10:3-4; 2 Cor. 5:21).
7. Jehovah Shammah – “The Lord is there” Ezekiel 48:35. He is present everywhere (Ps. 139).
8. Jehovah Sabaoth – “The Lord of hosts (armies)” “Sabaoth” = lit. “to mass together or assemble.” This name occurs about 250 times in the O.T. The commander of the angelic host and the armies of God. “This man went up from his city yearly to worship and sacrifice to the Lord of hosts in Shiloh…” (1 Sam. 1:3). “Therefore the Lord says, The Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel…” (Isa. 1:24). “The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge” (Ps. 46:7).
With God on your side you are in the majority (2 Kings 6:15-17). Believers wrestle against unseen principalities and power against spiritual wickedness (Eph. 6:11-2). God gives us spiritual armour to defeat them. He can send His angels to fight for His children or to mister to them (Mt.18:10; Heb.1:14) Ps. 34:7 – “The angel of the Lord camps round about them that fear him, and delivers them.” “Stand still and see the of the Lord.” He fights our battles.
9. Jehovah – Ro’eh – “The Lord my Shepherd” Psalm 23:1 We praise Him becasue He is our shepherd. “So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture, Will give You thanks forever; We will show forth Your praise to all generations (Ps. 79:13). “To the Chief Musician. Set to ‘The Lilies.’ A Testimony of Asaph. A Psalm. Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You who lead Joseph like a flock; You who dwell between the cherubim, shine forth! (Ps.80:1). “Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. (Ps. 100:3).
Our Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd” “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” (Jn.10:11). He is the Chief Shepherd” “…and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.(1 Pet. 5:4).
10. Jehovah El Gmolah – “The Lord God of Recompense” Jeremiah 51:56 Judge (Ps. 7:8, 96:13).
11. Jehovah Nakeh – “The Lord that Smites” Ezekiel 7:9 . He punishes sin.
12. ADONAI (capitol letter ‘L ‘, lower case, ‘ord’). It means the Almighty Lord; Ruler; Master; Owner. “Master” or “Lord” 300 times in the OT always plural when referring to God. Our God sits upon the throne of the universe. The is no higher ruler. All rulers, leaders, king, queens, prime ministers, presidents are subject to Him. He is in control of all in the universe and always will be. He is the Owner, everyone and every things are His subjects. “Tremble, O earth, at the presence of theLord, at the presence of the God of Jacob” Ps. 114:7
13. G. Shekhinah (dwelling) is the presence or manifestation of God which has descended to “dwell” among humanity. It was used of God dwelling either in the Tabernacle or amongst the people of Israel. “the Shekhina descended and dwelt among them” or “He removed Himself and His Shekhina from their midst”). It was mentioned in the choice of Saul to be king and is mentioned as descending with the ark of the covenant here the word is used to mean “security.” “And (further) their Prophet said to them: “A Sign of his authority is that there shall come to you the Ark of the Covenant, with (an assurance) therein of security from your Lord, and the relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by angels. In this is a Symbol for you if ye indeed have faith.”
New Testament Scriptures, (Greek):
KURIOS: (kurios) “Lord” Found some 600 times in the NT.
DESPOTES: (despotes) “Lord” 5 times: Lu. 2:29; Acts 4:24; 2 Pet. 2:1; Jude 4; Rev. 6:10.
THEOS: (yeos) “God” (equivalent to the Hebrew Elohim), 1,000 times in the NT. In the NT all the persons of the trinity are called “God” at one time or another.
I AM: Jesus upset his generation especially when He said, “Before Abraham was, I AM,” John 8:58. Note also his claim to be Jehovah in such phrases as “I AM the Light of the world,” “the bread of life,” living water,” “the Resurrection and the Life,” “the Way, Truth and the Life” in John’s Gospel. From the Hebrew OT verb “to be” signifying a Living, Intelligent, Personal Being.
THEOTES: “Godhead” Col. 2:9; Rom. 1:20.
HUPSISTOS: “Highest” Mt. 21:9.
SOTER: (soter) “Savior” Luke 1:4 7.
WORD: (logos) John 1:1ff
ALMIGHTY: (pantokrator) 2 Cor. 6:18, Revelation, 19:6.
JESUS: is the Greek form derived from the OT name “Joshua” which means “Jehovah is Saviour” or Jehovah saves”. “Joshua ” (Y’shua) or “Je-Hoshua” meaning “Jehovah is Salvation). The name of Jesus refers to divine redemption. The angel told Joseph “you shall call His name Jesus , for He will save His people” (Matt. 1:21).
Dr. Charles Rolls in his book the Names and Titles of Jesus Christ wrote: “As a name, Jesus is more grandly honored and more grievously hated, more acclaimed and more accused than any other. We find it imprinted over six hundred times on the pages of the four Gospels, and it is the most charming, consoling, comforting name by which our beloved Saviour is known.” (Charles J. Rolls, The World’s Greatest Name, Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, New Jersey, p.107).
The name of Jesus is a saving name (Matthew 1:21; Acts 4:12; Romans 10:13).
The name of Jesus is a healing name (Acts 3:6, 16; 4:7, 10, 30).
The name of Jesus is a delivering name – With the authority of the Name of Jesus demons are cast out (Acts 16:18; Mark 16:16).
The name of Jesus is above every name (Philippians 2:5-11; Ephesians 1:21).
The name of Jesus is the name with all the answers to prayer (John 14:13-14; 15:16).
The name of Jesus accomplishes all of God’s purposes. The book of Acts is full of the use of His glorious name.
Jesus is not just any name, but it carries with it all the power, authority and glory of God. Let us consider What is in His name?
CHRIST: is equivalent to the Hebrew ‘Messiah’ (Meshiach) which means Messiah in English. It means “The Anointed One. Jesus is His personal name, but Christ is His official title- a title that describes His mission.” (Dr. Charles Rolls). Kings, prophets, priests and sometimes vessel or in the Tabernacle were anointed with oil to show they were consecrated to the Lord. “Jesus was not only anointed with oil, but He was anointed from above with divine anointing for the purpose of carrying out his divine mission of bringing the good news of salvation to the world (Lk. 4:18; Acts 10:38). Jesus was God’s holy, anointed One, the Son of David, therightful King who inherits the promise to David of a kingdom that will not end (Lk. 1:32-33; Isa. 9:6-7; 2 Sam. 7:16). (Dr. Charles Rolls).
“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” They said to Him, “The Son of David.” He said to them, “How then does David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,” . . . if David then calls Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his Son?” (Matthew 22:42-45).
Other NT Titles for Jesus: Shepherd of the Sheep; Master; King of kings; Lord of lords; Bishop and Guardian of our Souls; Daystar, Deliverer, Advocate, Last (or Second) Adam, Ancient of Days, Branch, Chief Cornerstone, Immanuel, First Born, Head of the Body, Physician, Rock, Root of Jesse, Stone, Potentate; Chief Apostle; Great High Priest; Pioneer and Perfecter of our Faith (or Author and Finisher); Lamb of God; Lamb Slain before the Foundation of the World; Lord God Almighty.
The Son of Man
Jesus called Himself “The Son of Man” He did not say “I am a son of man” but I am the Son of Man). The priests were upset when He used this title and accused Him of blasphemy (Mark 14:61-64; Matthew 26:63-65). They were upset because the name “the Son of Man?” was used in Daniel 7:13-14: “Behold, One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! . . . Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom . . . which shall not pass away.” Jesus specifically applied this prophecy to Himself and the high priest knew it. Jesus said to him: “hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven” (Matthew 26:64; cf.; Matthew 16:28). “The Sanhedrin saw little difference between the claim to be the Son of God and the Son of Man (see Luke 22:67-70).” (Dr. C. Rolls).
The Son of God
This refers to His deity. He claims to the Pre-extent One who is co-equal and co-eternal with God. Those who heard Him understood what he was saying (Jn. 10:33-36). It is recorded that Jesus spoke to His “Father” 104 times.
The word Lord is (Kurios) and refers to Him as the Master, the Almighty. deity, the sovereign, exalted One (Acts 2:36). “It is the equivalent to the letters YHWH , which we pronounce Jehovah or Yahweh. “Adonai” is the Hebrew word for “Lord”. Therefore when Jesus was called “Lord” it was a reference to His deity, it is practically the equivalent for the word “God”. Jesus identified himself with Jehovah, the Lord. He used the personal name of God , “I AM” (Ex. 3:14; Jn. 8:24, 58; 18:5-6). (Dr. C. Rolls). Thomas called Him God, “My Lord and my God” (Jn. 20:28, Mk. 12:36-37; Lk. 2:11; 3:4; Acts 2:36 etc). Paul said “Jesus is Lord” (1 Cor. 12:3; 2 Cor. 4:5; Rom. 10:9; Phil. 2:11). Jesus is “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Rev. ” and “Whosever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Rom. 10:13).